Hello guys!!
sume ok ka musim2 hujan..sojuk2 nih? huhu even da banjir mrate tmpt ni..aku cam xtau khabar berita ni pn..huhu nsb baik ade pemberita peribadi yg setia melaporkn..haha
nk kate pe sbrnye ni...sibuk sgt kot! smpi dunia luar xamek tau ni..huhu
(wlupun sblum ni lbh kurg jgk..tp bile dah bz gni lg la kn!)
nasib baek arini cuti..bleh gak mmbebel sat kt sini kn.. :P
btw, diz week.. 1st week of specialty aku! sgt kelam..sgt gelabah..sgt penat..and bru kusedar..4th year dental student ni sibuknye bagaimana..huhu
specialty? ade org tgh blur xskrg? "gapo dio specialty?"
since fiddyana story xpernah pn cite psl dentistry ni..meh nk story sket..
korg da tau ke? tau dah kot..xtau la..tp ade jgk kot yg xfamiliar o xsure psl specialty of dentistry ni.. klu medical..ade surgery, o & g, orthopeadics, medical..dll~ dentistry kite ade:
1. Conservative dentistry (cons): branch of dentistry which is concerned with the conservation of teeth in the mouth. It embraces the practice of operative dentistry and endodontics, and includes various kinds of direct and indirect restorations of individual teeth in the mouth.
-mse specialty ni, kitorg biasenye akn tmpl gg2 yg lubang psl caries..xpn wat rawatan akar ke..mse ni jgkla kne sound ngan doc klu cavity prep wat xbtul ka..material guna btul ka..dll~ huhu
gambar dr tenet..gmbr atas:cth amalgam restoration...yg tmpln kaler besi tue :P, gmbr tgh: tooth colored restoration..tmpln gune material yg same mcm kaler gg..lg lawa kn?, gmbr bwh: cth prosedur rwtn akar (Root Canal Treatment) |
-bile prostho plak..kitorg bz dgn prosedur2 clinic utk wat denture..cam amik impression ke..then g lab wat prosedur lab plak..wat working model..special tray...mmg sgt pnat! huhu mse ni la mharapkn technician2 yg baek2 ati utk tolg kitorg..huhu
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hasil keje sndr n bantuan technician :) |
3. Pedodontics (pedo): branch of dentistry dealing with children from birth through adolescence.
-mse ni la kitorg akan mrawat kanak2 or remaja (0-16 y.o.) huhu..next wik aku stat 1st patient pedo..tatau pe nk jd..hopefully sume ok! tgk membe2 laen yg da stat..ade yg nanges..xcooperative..huhu mse ni mayb aku kne tukar character jgk ni..hoho
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gmbr hiasan fr tenet..anak sapa tatau~ |
4. Dental Public Health (DPH): non-clinical speciality of dentistry which is involved in the assessment of dental health needs and improving the dental health of populations rather than individuals.
-ha..session ni xstat ag..tp mse ni kitorg kne blakon bg cramah kesihatan gg kt dpn org org rmi...mcm2 topik..aku, kne bg cramah konon2nye dpn smokers n kne promote utk stop smoking! tp lmbt lg..slaen 2 kne wat presentation psl yg bkaitan dgn DPH ni la..klu kt clinic..kitorg kne kasi oral hygiene instruction..ajar care gsk gg dgn btul n diet counselling..
mse CFCS..ajar budak2 tadika gsk gg.. :) |
5. Periodontics (perio): concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of functional and structural diseases of the periodontal membrane and related tissues that surround and support the teeth.
-yg ni biasenye involved dgn patient yg ade gingivitis o periodontitis..gapo pulop 2 wes? korg biase x gosok gg, then bdarah? o..sakit gusi? gusi bengkak..semua yg bkaitan dgn structure sekeliling gigi itu lamenye..periodontal..penyakit=disease..dapatlah periodontal disease! so, basically, scaling la ubatnye! mse ni la kekejaman ke ats mulut patient mgkn akn blaku..hoho nk cuci semua kekotoran..karang gg yg degil 2..haruslah kejam!
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from tenet..ni la gmbr nye..periodontal disease |
6. Orthodontics (ortho): concerned with the study and treatment of malocclusions (improper bites), which may be a result of tooth irregularity, disproportionate jaw relationships, or both. Orthodontic treatment can focus on dental displacement only, or can deal with the control and modification of facial growth.
-utk korg yg interested nk wat braces..ni la specialty..tp sorry..kitorg xlyk lg nk wat braces utk korg..hnye specialist yg bleh wat yer..kitorg jz leh refer jek la..klu refer pon kne tgk case jgk..since waiting list pn da pnjg berjela~ specialist kt sini pon limited..susah la nk wat kt sini..klu kaye..wat kt private pn ok! :) hehe aku pn ade tringin nk jd orthodontist..mudah2an..tp klu tetibe jd specialist laen..tatau la plak kn..hehehe
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gmbr hiasan dr tenet |
7. Oral Pathology (OP): specialty of dentistry and pathology which deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions. It is a science that investigates the causes, processes and effects of these diseases.
-mse ni more to..theory la..tgk histological features..blaja psl disease process..g lab n kne byk mbace la ksimpulannye! back to basic!
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gmbr hiasan juga dr tenet |
-specialty ni..aku masuk minggu sblum raye hj nnt..mse ni kekejaman akan berlaku lg..nk cabut gg org..tmasuk la mse specialty ni..laen2 procedure..kne jd oral surgeon dlu ah..nnt klu da ade experience..aku cite k! hehehe tp sure mnarik..xsabar plak!
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gmbr hiasan dr tenet..mase nk kasi local anaesthetic..nk cabut gg kne la inject ksi xsakit.. |
so, clinical yrs! ni la yg aku hadap slagi bgelar dental student and insyaAllah dentist! klu nk info lg, tnye bleh..google sndr pn ok! hehe :)
ok u all~ sehingga bertemu lg! jagelah kesihatan gg anda!
p/s: klu sape2 nk request wat treatment especially denture, crown..bridge..rwtn akar..bleh jgk cntact! tp klu yg laen 2..kne g daftar under klinik rawatan keluarga (Klinik Pergigian HUSM) dlu..then msuk waiting list..bru kitorg bleh wat treatment..protocol! nk wat camne..huhuhu
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